答:在单元格中输入: =ROUND(RAND()*10,0)+1 即可获得一个1-10的随机数。
答:简介 随机号码表法亦称“乱数表法”,就是利用随机号码表抽取样本的方法。 随机号码表又称为乱数表。它是将0~9的10个自然数,按编码位数的要求(如两位一组,三位一组,五位甚至十位一组),利用特制的摇码器(或电子计算机),自动地逐个摇出(...
答:自己做个啊 在EXCEL表格内全部填上=RAND()就可以得到0以下的随机数了 如果要限定范围的话,如随机数是10以下的,就改为=RAND()*11 如果只想产生整数的话,就套上一个取整函数:=INT(RAND()*11) 随机数产生之后,就将其全部复制,然后在原位进行选...
随机数表, ElecBook Classics Jane Eyre 323 wound of my wrongs, too, was now quite healed; and the flame of resentment extinguished ElecBook Classics Jane Eyre
In a breath, the river that flows through our Sunday walks is sparkling in the summer sun, is ruffled by the winter wind, or thickened with drifting heaps of ice In a breath, the
In a breath, the river that flows through our Sunday walks is sparkling in the summer sun, is ruffled by the winter wind, or thickened with drifting heaps of ice In a breath, the
‘Is that all the message?’ ‘Ye-es,’ he said, considering ‘Is that all the message?’ ‘Ye-es,’ he said, considering ‘Ye-es ‘Is that all the message?’ ‘Ye-es,’ he said, considering ‘